ever forget the instant.
No word was spoken.
They both knew their place, and began the brief march back to the mess hall. Just before they came around the corner of the barracks and into view Art called "Halt!" He took an almost fresh pack of cigarettes from his pocket and pressed it to Karl's hand.
A moment later they were each in their appointed place, neither one outwardly aware of the other, each warmer inside in a way they could never explain.
There were occasions in the future when they had a chance to exchange a quick unobserved smile; and they did. Art saw to it that Karl had cigarettes when it was possible, even when he had none himself.
Each of them lives today-in far separated parts of the world. It is very doubtful if they will ever meet again.
Often in moods of reflection or when times of contentment are upon them, each remembers the other.
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